
  1. MCQ Generation using Text Transformers (2021), A fully functioning web app which can generate multiple choice based questions from a given piece of text and also functions as an intelligent editor for MCQs. The core generator works using a fine-tuned T5 model & a distractor generator model, Presented as the final year engineering project.
  2. Deep Generative Models for Faces (2020) ​, A Project aimed at generating faces and evaluating different generative models such as Auto-Encoders, GANs, VAEs etc. the models are trained on the ​ Labeled Faces in the Wild Dataset ​.
  3. MalwareDetection (2020), A MachineLearning based project for predicting if a program is malicious by using the string representation for the program. An ML based approach was also used for detecting __BotNets__ in network traffic, Submitted for IIT Kanpur Cybersecurity Hackathon.
  4. RangeBot(2020) ​, A Bot that plays chess using ​ Alpha-Beta Pruning ​ and Endgame TableBases. It makes use of a creative heuristic function for searching the board states. Attained Peak performance of 1600 elo.
  5. See-In-The-Dark(2019), ​ A Web-App that uses a ​ Fully-Convolutional neural network ​ to Brighten Dark Images with little loss in information and essentially allow us to see in the dark, built for MLH local hack day.

  6. Flight Delay Prediction ​ using Machine Learning ​ (2019) ​, A project to predict whether a flight will be delayed using the relevant weather data and to test the accuracy of the different Classifiers and Regressors on the data.
  7. Dr. Plip(2019), ​ A prototype chat bot that simulates a psychiatrist and suggests solutions to common mental health problems, developed at Yet Another Hackathon held at SVCE.
  8. Face ID(2018), ​ A Mobile App for detecting and keeping track of faces by checking the cosine similarity of the Embedded vectors for faces. The embeddings are generated using a pre trained model.^
  9. LocationPin(2017), ​ A Mobile App for Real-Time Location Sharing/Pinning over the internet.